My Marriage
I will be married for one year in three months. Yes, I've considered leaving and/or killing him. It really has been one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. We didn't have a honeymoon phase and "gaga" over each other. For some reason, probably because we both been hurt by our families and past relationships so bad that we found comfort in each other. We fight constantly and sometimes the fights between us have been out of control crazy. It doesn't help that we both have Type A personalities and hardly know when to be sweet to each other. We have dove feet first in and hoped for the best. Somethings over last few moths that have been said between us I though unforgivable but he helped me realize the only way to make things better is to forgive each other and move on. I'm working on fixing my depression which is helping with my mood swings which help him with his. We have the same goals that we want out of life and that seems to be the biggest foundation on which we have built everything else. I have found that the things that seem to be the biggest problems in our marriage are due to a lack of communication. Some of our marriage problems have been due to us being selfish and making it a "we" problem when it really was an "I" problem. We're figuring it out and he hasn't been easy but we support each other financially. It's the emotionally where we have to work on it. I just didn't realize I made such a good choice until today. That he isn't the she same person when we're fighting. What kind of person he truly is is the person after we're fighting and we support each other until we repair what we broke.That's how it works.
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