Geeky UpDatE


TV Shows

I just finished the third season of  Lost Girl! YAY! I love this show Bo is exactly what you would expect of a woman warrior with so much more fae-ittude! If you haven't watched this show yet then you should! Of course, considering you're not bashful when it comes to sexual references and scenes. Plus, if you're really into mythical creatures like I am then this show is totally for you too!!

Also, I'm going to try and watch Merlin. Mostly because Anthony Head is in the show. I really enjoy the actor in all things Anthony Head. 
  I have found that there's usually not a single movie/tv show I have watched of him that I don't like. For instance:
Also this movie (my favorite musical of all time):Repoman the Genetic Opera

 These are my reasons to give Merlin a try:


If you haven't touched the Kate Daniels Series by Ilona Andrews, then you're missing out! I love anything that science fiction/romance/main character is a heroine/ medieval magical war! Now I know that this is a very specific genre but hey it's what I like.  Kate is a strong role model who fights for her life running away from her father one of the most powerful users of blood magic in the entire world. She saves the innocent and fights to the death with evil. Also, she makes a very strong annoying man her mate for life. She awesome so check the books out!
