DAy 5

One small step for some one else, on huge Leap for me!

Back Story

Okay, most people would think wth..its day 5.  What is this? A new year's resolution? No. This started way before Christmas. I told myself as soon as Christmas was over I was going to work out and start eating healthy. I'm sure you're thinking, "Why wait until after Christmas?" My excuse was because ONE working out with out eating healthy is usually pointless...Honestly eating healthy while living for six days in Texas with your new in-laws  is hard. So, I made a promise to myself when we got back that I was going to ACTUALLY do it. I was going to get my husband on board to remain healthy (not that he had to eat what I did or work out but at least be supportive) surprisingly he was all on board for eating well. Anyways, I've talked, I've done about two days of working out and like one meal of eating good trials for last two years but never stuck with anything. I've been constantly depressed since I started gaining weight and I'm in a bad mood all the time.
 So, now that my joints hurt, and I'm losing most of my upper body strength, and I'm tired of looking in the mirror and hating me, I'm going to do something about it. Kick ASS. You know? I"m not going on a diet because diets only work while you're on them and honeslty I don't want to diet. I'm going for a lifestyle change because that's what it takes. I don't how long it's going to take but I don't want to give up. I don't want to be a sissy aI thinymore. I don't want to me skinny because I do love thick thighs but I think my thighs have gone beyond thick. I want to look in the mirror again and go...damn where have you been for three years? I don't want to be embarrassed anymore. I want to go to Comic Con and be able to look how I want. I guess I just miss me. Whoever that is.

Now for the leap:

Yeah it's probably a small leap for you guys but I've been doing this basic Cardio upper body/thigh workout that takes like 5-10 minutes. A few days ago I was like hurts...I'm so tired. Push ups, well I don't really even want to talk about push ups...It hurt so bad. Now it hurts but with the kind of pain and fire of a good work out not like I'm trying to kill myself in a dark alley. I can feel my arms getting stronger. Also, on my mood, I can feel it improving my headaches from the calorie, caffeine, and sugar cut have stopped and I'm only cranky when I get woke up before I'm suppose to wake up.  I actually had the mindset that I wasn't going to able to make any improvements during the first week, but I surprised myself.

Motivation for Tomorrow
