Christina Dodd and Patricia Briggs

    These are by far my two favorite authors that I have discovered by accident. I almost own every single series that has been published in their names. You should not fret though, I am working on correcting this wrong as we speak.
    Let's start with my first conquest of Christina Dodd series, The Chosen Ones and Darkness Chosen, which possess my favorite supernatural romance of all time. I very rarely ever read a book more than once. The only reasons I ever read it twice would be 1) I didn't pay much attention the first time as I blew through the pages or 2) I obsessed over it so much I had to read it multiple times. Scent of Darkness by Christina Dodd seems to have this enchantment over me that I've never seen before. Talking about it right this moment is probably going to to lead to me reading the book another time. All the books in the series are about the children of Konstantine who breaks a pack with the devil and his children have to find their true love in order to keep Konstantine's soul from damnation.

    Scent of Darkness a Summary 

      The Varinskis are a family that have been bound by the devil for generations. The contract becomes weakened when Konstantine stumbles upon lust and romance with a gypsy girl of small proportions but lacking none in spirit.
"For no Varinski ever fell in love... Until one did. No Varinski ever fled the compound and that way of life...Until one did. For the first time, cracks appeared in the solid foundation of the deal with the devil. Heaven took note. So did hell."
     So the couple flees the damnation of hell to the United States from Russia where they build a prosperous life and have three sons and a daughter. Almost twenty years later....the devil comes to haunt them once more....
           This is where Jasha the main character of Scent of Darkness comes.....his must find true love to save his entire family.



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