Reasons Why I Want to become a Life Science High School Teacher: Prelude to Admissions Essay

 The growth of life is contagious and inspiring if one is willing to listen to the screaming whispers. Humans and nature have been at a constant battle of odds. Man wants to conquer nature and nature has been here since before man willing itself into every corner of the Earth, making it hard to see who is the winner or loser in a thriving, bustling planet.
A movie when I was three was all it took to capture my heart and soul. I've always had compassion for animals and life. All of my childhood I made my parent's frustrated and inspired by my fascination. I would bring home stray dogs, I would bring in bugs in shoe boxes, and was the child  who chose Discovery channel over Nickelodeon every day. My love for biology started quite young but my love for teaching has progressed over my lifetime. This love has been a quite passion that sneaks up on me when I least expect it, it awes and dazzles me.

The first time I was drawn to teaching was in the sixth grade when my teacher assigned the class to teach a section out of our social studies chapter. I still have no idea what subject I was assigned. I do remember however how intense, scary, and amazing it was to stand in front of the class and watch my classmates react to new information. I seemed to be the only who enjoyed the assignment but little did I know that it would remain a memory six or more years later.

The next time was because I was inspired by one of my teachers. My biology teacher who taught me that experienced and creative teachers know how to make a class interact even if the class refused daily to enjoy her class. She came up with a way  that brought out our competitive sides to the table. We all had assigned seats at the beginning of each semester and I  worked hard on my homework in order to answer questions correctly the next day to move up a position in the seating. The seating mattered so much because depending on which row I was sitting in would determine how many bonus points I would receive on my tests. Whether I knew it then or not, I was learning more in that class because of the points system then I did in any other class the entire year. I viewed her as an ingenious teacher because she made me fight to prove that I wasn't just an ignorant teenager. She helped me view myself as self-confident. This was the first time I thought of becoming a teacher because I wanted to make a change by breaking the mold just like she has in my life.

Then when I went to college during my second semester I received my first taste of teaching. I worked for a work study for the Structured Learning Assistance program as a tutor. Although, algebra has never been my strong suite I wanted to a part of the program I volunteered. So for an entire semester I attented an intermediate alegbra class that I recieved no credit for and helped SLA students with their homework and studying for tests. I was lost with no one to really ask for directions from because I dove in feet first and worried later. Every single one of students passed except one who the main algebra teacher and I believed needed to take the class over. I felt like I had failed him in some way but I also knew that I did everything I could with my knowledge to help him. I try not to see this as setback or a failure but a learning process on what I could do different with my next set of students.

My epiphany about where I wanted to go with my life sort of came from a higher power. I've been attending this church with my husband for over a year and one day the staff of the church was asking for volunteers for the church nursery. My church has about five hundred people so we have two services and it's a must to have childcare. I felt like something or some one was telling me that here's your chance to experience something worthwhile. I'm with toddlers so to go as far as to say I teach lessons would be a lie but I do try to teach discipline and respect in two hours every Sunday. I learn so much from these children on how to laugh, grow, and what it takes to capture attention. I have found that doing toddler yoga helps our two hour time span with these energized children. I enjoy teaching them new things every Sunday and see if they remember the next week and when they do it's so rewarding and amazing.

When I think of what I do for the rest of my life, I envision a rewarding, challenging, and surprising career. I want it to be self satisfying but also a giving career. I want to be a teacher to inspire others and to be inspired by their brilliance. Even if it's hard and crazy at times there will always be that one person that I helped or that I changed for the better and it will make everything worth it in the end.
