Shaving my Legs for a reason

If anything grosses you out... you probably should just go ahead and leave my blog now. I'm warning readers right now that it is possible to leave right now.

Okay, so I really only shave my legs for two reasons after the month of October.  1) out of pure neccesity and/or 2) being oh husband I love you.  I have decided after two years with my husband and a few years before that with other "hes who shall not be named or spoken of" that shaving my legs for a man is not worth my time. Apparently, all guys want is a porn star and well I'm sorry I'm not that. I'm overweight and have this wonderful personality with a snazzy attitude on top. Bahahah. When I shave my legs I mean business.  Anyways, after tonight's episode of shaving the legs for a man, I have decided the only reason I will ever shave my legs again is out of purely hygienic reasons. Any reason at all to be more attractive shall be given a very fast veto.
 I spend at least ten minutes trying to get my legs smooth to only be shot down. I'm sorry I don't want to get ready and pretty on your schedule but you really don't have menstrual cycle, do you? No! I'm pretty sure that's not in a mans biological makeup. I only run on this cycle and my moods tend to follow it and you better be ready when I'm ready or you will have fruitless days ahead of you mister. Furthermore, I'm angry and shall continue to be for a few more hours or days.

Anyways woman who feels the same please comment and share your experience(s).

